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Cataract surgery may reduce your chances of developing dementia
27 Jan' 21

Cataract surgery may reduce your chances of developing dementia



According to a new study, those who get cataract surgery had a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.  


Researchers discovered that those who had surgery were roughly 30% less likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in the coming years out of over 3,000 older adults with the eye disease.  


According to the researcher, the findings do not indicate that cataract surgery protects against Alzheimer's disease. It does, however, give compelling evidence that this is the case. The researchers were able to control for a variety of different factors that could have contributed to the result. Even after that, cataract surgery was connected to a lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease. This proof may be the best we can obtain.  


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A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye that can cause impaired vision, difficulty seeing at night, and seeing "halos" around lights, among other symptoms. According to the National Eye Institute of the United States, cataracts afflict more than half of all Americans by the age of 80.  


Vision issues can be improved by removing the cataract and replacing it with an artificial lens. The fact that cataracts, as well as other visual impairments, have been related to an elevated risk of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, has prompted the obvious question: Can cataract treatment reduce that risk?  


However, it's a difficult question to answer.  


"There are so many complicating variables, especially for elderly adults with chronic health concerns," says the researcher.  


Even if older folks who had cataract surgery had a decreased risk of dementia, it's possible that this is because healthy people are more likely to choose surgery — or that those people have greater access to health care.  


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The researcher's team solved these concerns by analyzing data from a large population of Kaiser Permanente patients. All of them had access to medical treatment, and the researchers had thorough information about their medical histories. They looked at 3,038 persons aged 65 and up who had cataracts but did not have dementia at the time of the study. Only around half of the people had cataract surgery.  


Over eight years, 853 people were diagnosed with dementia, the most common of which was Alzheimer's disease. Those who underwent cataract surgery, on the other hand, had a 29 percent reduced risk than those who hadn't.  


After the researchers team controlled for all other variables, such as whether people had physical limitations or medical illnesses including heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, the drop was seen. They also took into account body weight, exercise habits, education levels, and smoking history, which have all been linked to the risk of dementia. Furthermore, researchers discovered no reduction in dementia risk among patients who had glaucoma surgery, which is a technique that does not improve eyesight.  


Why might cataract surgery and improved eyesight reduce the risk of dementia? It's feasible, because visual impairments limit older folks' ability to engage with the world.  


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"You might not want to go out and mingle if you can't see well." "Alternatively, you may be hesitant to exercise because you are concerned about your safety." Social and mental stimulation, like physical activity, is supposed to promote healthy brain aging.  


Another possibility, concerns blue light. Cataracts can yellow over time, obstructing blue light in particular. According to researchers, certain specialized cells in the retina of the eye are extremely sensitive to blue light and have been related to both sleep cycles and cognition (memory and thinking skills). Because cataracts are so common, she believes there is a lot of promise in using them as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.  


However, the majority of the patients were white. They suggested that the findings be reproduced in a broad population of older folks to ensure that the link holds for persons of color as well.  


People should be aware that their overall health, including heart health, eyesight, and hearing, can influence their risk of dementia.


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